Posted in Writing

Why I Started Reading (and Writing)


My blog has been dead for years now, but every once in awhile I get into this, “I’ve got to post again, I just can’t drop it for forever,” mood. I’ve finally found something to post about. No promises but maybe, just maybe I’ll start posting more than once a year.

I’m a reader and a writer.

Nowadays I’m primarily the latter, but as a kid (when I started this blog, yikes) I was the perfect specimen of an avid reader. I never went anywhere without a book and I finished each one within mere milliseconds of seeing the cover for the first time. The local librarians always raised a brow at how many I checked out at a time, thinking surely this pixie of a girl isn’t about to read all of these within such a short time. Little did they know that the reason I was (and still am) a shrimpy kid was because I spent all my time reading, writing and drawing rather than wrestling bears or climbing mountains or whatever it is people do outside. In summary: I read a lot.

But no one is born knowing how to read just as no one is born with a pen in their hand. Except Victor Hugo, whose book Les Miserables was 1,900 pages (and that was only one of his books).

This is the story of why I started reading and writing. Spoiler alert: I’m not as cool as Victor Hugo.

When I was in Kindergarten my school was the definition of underpaid Californian public education, so my parents pulled me out to home school me. My mom started teaching me to read and I hated it right off the bat. I caught on quickly and could read anything she gave me, but I was (and still am) a stubborn kid so I didn’t like being made to do things. That was my sole reason for disliking it.

This continued until one day I heard my mom talking to her friend about how she wanted me to read Shel Silverstein’s poems, but didn’t believe I was ready to start reading something that advanced. I didn’t know who Shel Silverstein was but hearing someone say that I wasn’t advanced enough to do something… Again, I was a stubborn kid.
The next morning I woke up early, got a book of Shel Silverstein’s poems (possibly Falling Up), sat in my chair and began to read while I waited for her to wake up. When she walked downstairs I tried to play it cool by saying something along the lines of: “Oh I just found this on the bookshelf. It’s pretty good so far, have you read it?” From there I began to read everything I could get my hands on.

I started writing stories in the 1st(?) grade for essentially the same reason. My mom said “You can’t be a wild mustang tamer”, but I heard, “Go write endlessly about horses to prove that you can be a wild mustang tamer.” That impossible dream of mine actually turned into a slightly less impossible dream: publish a book.

By the time I was ten I finished reading the Harry Potter series and was completely infatuated with the idea of becoming a world renowned author like our lord and master JK Rowling. An ambitious dream if there ever was one, but still one I like to toy with to this day.

Nowadays I still write, but my goal is just to find personal happiness within the book I’ve spent the past two (going on three) years writing. If that book is published one day, good for it! But for now the writing is what’s important.

How’s that for a return?

For those of you interested, my email is in my ‘About’ section, but I’m most active on my DeviantArt, Clockwork-Jack! I post my art and (some) writing there, since it’s become a substitute for my blog over the years. If you have any questions about writing (or anything?) shoot me a message via either of those!


I mostly draw and write but I have a side love for theatre as well. A few of my favorite pastimes are creating characters, role-playing and theorizing over my favorite series (whatever format they're in).

18 thoughts on “Why I Started Reading (and Writing)

      1. I don’t typically read historical fiction books even though I do love the classics.

        Types of books I do not like are ones with a dystopia society or ones that are too violent or disturbing

      2. Historical fiction is really hit and miss. It can either be really good, or a little too focused on the educational and less focused on the story itself, so it feels too much like reading a history textbook.

        Wow, really? I’ve been a pretty big fan of some Dystopian. 1984 is a classic, and it isn’t at all cliche. Some schools actually have students read it!

      3. I just never liked Dystopian.

        The fantasy genre is a genre I have always loved. The first classic I fell in love was “A Christmas Carol”: a family tradition growing up and even now is to watch the movie around Christmas time. Other classics I love are Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, Don Quixote, and my personal favorite, Les Misérables. I love Agatha Christie mysteries especially Murder on the Orient Express and And Then There Was None

  1. Ahhh! You must have found me through my mention of Les Misérables! I’ve only read part of the book, but I adore the movie and a few of the Broadway renditions! Javert is an excellent villain if there ever was one.

    1. I have read the entire book of Les Mis, but it did help knowing the musical. Prior to Les Mis, I thought ALL musicals were happy, but Les Mis proved me wrong and showed me that I was 100% blind to heartbreak in musicals growing up. In total I have seen the stage show five years including once in the West End. I have quite a passionate love for Les MIs

      1. Ohh no, that’s a common misconception I think. Many musicals are full of heartbreak, and Les Mis’ is the king of them all. I wish to see it in person one day! That would be amazing.

      2. I am aware that many musicals have heartbreak. But growing up I “interpreted” ALL musicals as happy, but at the same time knew about sad in existence. I was only much younger in those days.

      3. I am a senior in college. Starting in middle school, I began to understand that musicals are home to sad songs, but I could not pick up on heartbreak. Les Mis showed me that it existed. So I am still young, but I look at musicals with a more mature eye and a fresh eye.

      4. Ahh, okay! I wasn’t sure how old you were, because I get a lot of people who word themselves very eloquently online but in reality are in middle school or even younger. It’s great that you’ve matured in your understanding of musicals and the elements that put together a good story!

      5. There are many aspects I want in a musical: spectacle or dance, comedy, romance, positive and negative emotions in the score and a strong emotional connection. But the emotional connection is what I want the most

      6. Personally I’m always into a powerful villain piece! Usually the villain’s main solo is my favorite, simply because they hold so much power and bitterness in their voice.

      7. I am not a villain or antagonist type of person. I tend to be more drawn to the protagonist among other leads who are not the antagonist. I tend to be drawn toward the complex, strong, and brave characters

      8. I am not specifically drawn to a certain type of character, I just go for whichever character is the most complex. I love the characters with a good motive and a deep back story.

      9. I do love all sorts of characters. Just have something against villains and antagonists: they are very hard to feel for especially if you become emotionally connected to the protagonist. The complex characters just have more to them that you are able to explore more and that is what makes them exciting.

      10. I’ve honestly always felt the same way. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the show ‘Once Upon A Time’, but I’ve never been able to find myself routing for the antagonist or the main protagonist of that show. They just seem so bland. Then there are a few side characters that have really interesting stories but barely get any attention.

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